Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Psalms 59:8

Psalms 59:8 says, But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.  As David said,  God laughs at those who think they are more powerful than He is.  People may believe that God does not exist or is very limited in power if He does, but God will always find this to be nothing more than something to laugh about.  Verse nine adds, Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my defence.  David said because of God's strength he would wait to face his enemies, because God was his strength.  As followers of Christ, God is the source of our strength and we must always wait on His leadership in all that we do if we are to be spiritually successful in life.  Verse ten states, The God of my mercy shall prevent me: God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies.  David said God would prevent him from being destroyed by his enemies, and so will He spiritually for Christians today.  Verse eleven adds, Slay them not, lest my people forget: scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord our shield.  David asked God not to slay his enemies, but to scatter them so that the people of Israel would not forget the power of God.  I believe that though we are to pray for our enemies, we are not to pray for their destruction, but we are to pray that they will be brought down from power in the world.  Verse twelve continues, For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.  David asked that God bring his enemies down because they were sinning by what they said and were full of self pride.  Too many people today speak lies about God and are full of self pride, and one day, God will bring them all down.  Until then, it is our responsibility to pray for and witness to them.  Verse thirteen declares, Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah. David asked God to destroy those who did not believe in or even defied Him so that the world would know that He ruled to the end of the earth.  We as followers of Christ must always accept the fact that God is in power over all the earth, even as He allows people the free will to choose whether they will accept Him or not.  Verse fourteen adds, And at evening let them return; and let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.  David asked that God allow his enemies to be allowed to continue to live, but that they be like dogs wandering around outside the city.  We should want to see the enemies of God reduced to the point where they have no power, not so we can lord it over them, but so that God will be glorified.  If they fall, it will never be so that we can gloat.  Verse fifteen continues, Let them wander up and down for meat, and grudge if they be not satisfied.  David asked that when God defeated his enemies that they be reduced to wandering around searching for food, but never finding enough.  We need to leave the punishment of God's enemies up to God, and be content with the fact that we are a part of His kingdom as followers of Christ, no matter what happens to our enemies and God's enemies in this lifetime.  Verse sixteen states, But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.  Verse seventeen adds, Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy.  David said he would sing aloud of God's mercy, because God was his strength and defense.   We need to continually witness to the world about the goodness and power of God.   He is our strength and our defender against all who would destroy us because of our faith in Him.  We are forever secure if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord. 

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