Saturday, June 29, 2024

1 Chronicles 16:34

1 Chronicles 16:34 says, O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.  The following three verses are taken from Psalms 136:1 and various other Psalms.  This is still a continuation of the psalm that David was singing that had started in verse seven.  We have songs that we sing over and over in church, and then sometimes we add new ones.  As long as they glorify God, either one is good.  Verse thirty-five adds, And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise.  David said that they called God the God of their salvation, and if He is to be our God today, He must still be, because unless we accept His gift of salvation, He can never be our God.  He asked God to gather them together and deliver them from the heathen, or those who didn't believe in God, and we must ask the same of Him today as long as we are in this world.  Then, he asked that God do this so that God could be glorified, and that should be our reason for serving Him today.  Verse thirty-six continues, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever. And all the people said, Amen, and praised the Lord.  David asked that the God of Israel be blessed forever and ever, and He is and always will be, whether we accept Him or not.  Verse thirty-seven states, So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the Lord Asaph and his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required:  David left priests before the Ark of the Covenant to minister to, or take care of, it every day.  We as part of the priesthood of believers need to take care of the things of God every day.  Verse thirty-eight adds, And Obededom with their brethren, threescore and eight; Obededom also the son of Jeduthun and Hosah to be porters:  Then, we are told the names of some of these priests and what their duties were.  We all have our called place of service to God.  Verse thirty-nine continues, And Zadok the priest, and his brethren the priests, before the tabernacle of the Lord in the high place that was at Gibeon,  Then, we are given the names of others who had a different purpose in the service of God.  Verse forty concludes, To offer burnt offerings unto the LORD upon the altar of the burnt offering continually morning and evening, and to do according to all that is written in the law of the Lord, which he commanded Israel;  These men were to offer the burnt offerings continually, from morning until evening, in accordance with what was written in the law of the Lord as He had commanded Israel.  We are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice continually before God in accordance with His written His word, the Bible.  Verse forty-one says, And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen, who were expressed by name, to give thanks to the Lord, because his mercy endureth for ever;  We are then told the names of some others who were chosen to give thanks to God because His mercy endured forever.  If we feel we have nothing else to be thankful, we should always be thankful for God's mercy in sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from the penalty of our sins.  Verse forty-two adds, And with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for those that should make a sound, and with musical instruments of God. And the sons of Jeduthun were porters.  We are then told who the ones were who blew the trumpet and played the cymbals to make music to God.  If we are gathered to worship God, I believe that music is always a part of the worship service, but it should always be played to glorify God and not us.  Verse forty-three continues, And all the people departed every man to his house: and David returned to bless his house.  After everything concerning the Ark was in order, the rest of the people returned to their houses, and it said David returned to bless his house, or to ask God's blessing on it.  As Christians, we should dedicate our homes to God and ask His blessings on them.

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