Wednesday, June 26, 2024

1 Chronicles 16:1

1 Chronicles 16:1 says, So they brought the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it: and they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before God.  The Ark of the Covenant was at last returned to Jerusalem and set in the middle of the tent that David had made for it.  We know that David wanted to build a temple to God, but God didn't allow him too, but he did build a place for the Ark.  We may not be allowed by God to build a big, ornate church building, but that shouldn't stop us from having a place gather to worship God.  Verse two adds, And when David had made an end of offering the burnt offerings and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord.  After offering burnt and peace offerings, we are told that David blessed the people in the name of the Lord.  I think it would be more accurately stated that he called on God to bless the people.  We really don't bless people, but God does, sometimes through us.  Verse three continues, And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.  David gave everyone, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a good piece of meat, and a flagon of wine, which was about two pints.  He was concerned with their physical needs and not just their spiritual ones.  We should be concerned with the spiritual needs of people, and this should be our first concern, but we should also be concerned with their physical needs, especially after they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  Of course, this doesn't mean we aren't to be concerned with the physical needs of lost people.  Verse four states, And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel:  Certain of the Levites were appointed by David, we would assume by God's direction, to minister before the Ark and to keep a record of what was happening there, and to also thank and praise God.  As Christians, we need take care of the things of God under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, and we should at least make a note of what He is doing so we can share it with others.  Verse five adds, Asaph the chief, and next to him Zechariah, Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obededom: and Jeiel with psalteries and with harps; but Asaph made a sound with cymbals;  Verse six continues, Benaiah also and Jahaziel the priests with trumpets continually before the ark of the covenant of God.  We are then given the names of some of the Levites who were charged with playing music before the Ark and the instruments that they played.  I will state once more that music and musical instruments were always a part of the worship of God, and there is no reason for us to exclude them now. 

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