Tuesday, May 7, 2024

2 Kings review

In 2nd Kings, we have a continuation of the record of the kings of Judah and Israel until they were taken away captive out of the Promised Land.  Elijah, one of God's great prophets was still active in the beginning of the book, but the people often didn't listen to him or even wanted to destroy him, but God always protected him.  If we are faithful to God, He will always protect us spiritually.  We have the passing of the mantel of Elijah to Elisha, who became God's prophet after Elijah was taken up into heaven.  Elijah was the second and only other man we know of who didn't die, following Enoch.  We know that God is always going to have someone called to replace His leaders in the church when they die or retire, if the person He has called will be obedient to His call.  Unless Jesus Christ returns first, we will all face physical death one day, but our spirit will be in heaven forever with God if we have put our faith in Jesus Christ.  As followers of Christ, as long as we are here, we have a purpose in God's kingdom.  We have the record of the little children mocking Elisha and their destruction because of their actions.  We cannot mock God's preachers and teachers today and expect to never be held responsible for our actions.  I believe their destruction was not because Elisha was so important personally, but because he was God's representative.  We should never believe that we are more important to God than anyone else, even the worst of sinner, but we also should never allow people to speak evil of God's people without calling them out for doing so, because if they do, they are showing dishonor to God.  We have a record of the continuation of the divided kingdom, even though they should have been united as God's people.  As Christians, we are all a part of the family of God, but too often we are divided in our actions for Him.  We need to learn to be faithful to God not only individually but as the church collectively, and if we are, there should be no divisions and fighting amongst ourselves.  We find in both kingdoms that practices of worship were not in accordance with God's word, at times through the worship of idols and at times by worshipping in places that God had not established as places of worship.  We should certainly never allow the worship of idols, which is anything that we put our faith in other than Jesus Christ, to exist in our lives.  When we do establish a place to come together as Christians to worship God, we need to make sure that it is by His direction and that nothing that is not in accordance with His word is allowed to go on there when we do gather together to worship Him.

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