Thursday, May 9, 2024

2 Kings review continued

The book of 2nd Kings records the reigns of many kings of both Israel and Judah until the end of both kingdoms when the people were taken away captive to Babylon.  Some of the kings were almost devoted to God, but still allowed many worship practices that were not ordained by God.  The fact that the kingdom was divided was already an indication that the people were not following God.  We as Christians cannot be divided and we cannot allow things that are not in accordance with God's will into our worship of Him.  There were also many kings who were completely defiant of God's commandments who worshipped idols and false god's and even allowed these idols to be placed in God's house.  Though God had warned them what would happen if they did not live up to their covenant relationship with Him, they refused to listen.  We have been warned what will happen to us if we do not enter into a covenant relationship with God through putting our faith in Jesus Christ, but far too many people ignore that warning and many even refuse to believe that God is indeed the one and only God.   As Christians, we are a part of God's family forever, but we cannot turn away from the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be what God has called us to be.  God had delivered the people of Israel, His Chosen People, out of bondage in Egypt, brought them into the Promised Land, even though they had been reluctant to enter in, and they had turned away from Him.  As followers of Christ, God has brought us out of the bondage of sin, and yet we too often allow sin to have power in our lives again.  As I have stated many times, I don't believe that once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord that we can ever not be a part of the family of God, just as the people of Israel never stopped being God's Chosen People.  They were His people by His calling and choice, and we are God's people today by His calling us and our choosing to accept the gift of salvation by putting our faith in Jesus Christ, and God is the One who seals us as His forever.  Next, we will look at the book of 1st Chronicles. 

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