Saturday, December 8, 2018

Matthew 26:14 says, Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests,  After Jesus commended the woman for anointing Him with the expensive oil instead of selling it for money, Judas Iscariot left Jesus and went to the chief priests.  Hopefully, we will never be guilty of leaving Jesus for anyone else, even those who are seen as religious leaders.  We are to be obedient to and worship Christ alone.  Verse fifteen states, And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.  The chief priests had been trying to figure out how to seize Jesus without upsetting the crowds.  Judas asked them how much they would pay him to deliver Jesus to them.  Judas was one of the twelve who had been with Jesus physically since the beginning of His ministry, but Judas was not with Jesus spiritually.  Being close to other believers does not necessarily make someone close to God.  I have said this before, but we cannot make what Judas did any less terrible than what it was.  I don't believe that Judas was working to force Jesus to declare His kingdom, but that he began to realize that following Jesus was never going to be materially rewarding.  Judas did not betray Jesus because he had no choice but to do so, but simply betrayed Him for material gain.  Of course, the chief priests, those who were supposed to represent God, were guilty of wanting to kill Jesus, their Messiah.  There may be times today when those who are supposed to be followers of Christ, even religious leaders, will sell out their relationship with Him for material gain.  Anytime a person puts material gain ahead of a spiritual one, that person is guilty of betraying their relationship to Christ.  Verse sixteen says, And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.  Judas had agreed to an amount and had been paid to betray Jesus.  He was still with Jesus physically, but was never with Jesus spiritually.   Judas was looking for a way to gain materially from following Jesus.  I believe some people today are guilty of the same thing.  They profess to follow Jesus simply to gain materially from that profession of faith, but never really accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  Verse seventeen states, Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?  At the beginning of the feast of the observance of the passover, the disciples asked Jesus where they should prepare the passover meal.  When we have a religious celebration today, we need to insure that Jesus is the One Who is in charge of the celebration.  We should never just prepare a celebration and expect Jesus to show up, but we should always pray for His guidance even before we start.  Verse eighteen says, And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples.  Jesus told the disciples to go to a certain man and tell him that the disciples and Jesus would eat the passover at his house.  The disciples had to act in faith, but so did the man they went to.  Even though the man may not have really known who Jesus was, he followed His request.  We still do not know who the man was, but he had the honor of having Jesus celebrate the passover with him.  Verse nineteen states, And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover.  Once Jesus told the disciples what to do, they did it.  We need to react the same way.  Once Jesus tells us what to do, we need to simply do it putting our faith in Him.

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