Friday, March 7, 2025



The people of Israel had been in exile for over seventy years, and Cyrus, the king of Persia, had authorized Ezra to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city, starting with the walls.  He had also given Ezra access to enough resources to accomplish this.  We may be in exile in the world because of our rebellion against God at times, but He will always authorize us to return to Him and He will provide all we need to do so.  Cyrus also returned the Temple vessels with Ezra and letters to assure he wouldn’t be bothered by other authorities while he did. 

The rest of the people seemed to be more interested in rebuilding their own homes than they were in rebuilding the city of Jerusalem, so the walls of the city and the Temple were still in need of a lot of repairs.  We need to pray that we never get so interested in rebuilding material things that we own that we neglect the work of God.   

The people of Israel were still making offerings to God, but it was more out of fear of what other people might do to them if they didn’t than out of love for God.  We should never bring offerings to God simply to try to avoid having bad things happen to us. 

They did worship God with music.  Music always played an important role in worship in the Old Testament, and it still should in the church today. 

Opposition to the work existed, and people who opposed the rebuilding of Jerusalem tried to influence Cyrus and then Artaxerxes, stating that it would lead to their losing their power.  The building was officially stopped until the second year of the reign of Darius, who found the decree from Cyrus authorizing it.  People are still trying to stop God’s work today, often because they think it is going to cost them something.  The work continued unofficially.  There was a need to rebuild so that the people could be right with God, and whether we are authorized or not, we need to do what we are called to do by God so our relationship with Him will be good. 

Ezra, who was a descendant of Aaron, the father of the priests but not the Levites, took charge.  We are a part of the priesthood of believers as followers of Christ, and we need to carry on the work of the church, whether we are in charge or not.

The rest of the people seemed to be more interested in rebuilding their own homes than they were in rebuilding the city of Jerusalem, so the walls of the city and the Temple were still in need of a lot of repairs.  We need to pray that we never get so interested in rebuilding material things that we own that we neglect the work of God.   

The people of Israel were still making offerings to God, but it was more out of fear of what other people might do to them if they didn’t than out of love for God.  We should never bring offerings to God simply to try to avoid having bad things happen to us. 

They did worship God with music.  Music always played an important role in worship in the Old Testament, and it still should in the church today. 

Opposition to the work existed, and people who opposed the rebuilding of Jerusalem tried to influence Cyrus and then Artaxerxes, stating that it would lead to their losing their power.  The building was officially stopped until the second year of the reign of Darius, who found the decree from Cyrus authorizing it.  People are still trying to stop God’s work today, often because they think it is going to cost them something.  The work continued unofficially.  There was a need to rebuild so that the people could be right with God, and whether we are authorized or not, we need to do what we are called to do by God so our relationship with Him will be good. Next, we will look at the book of Nehemiah.

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