Mark 15:33 says, And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. While Jesus was on the cross, the land was dark from noon until three, which was also the fulfillment of a prophesy about the coming Messiah from Amos 8:9. There was never a darker time in the history of the world than when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of all humanity, and that would include your sins and my sins personally. Though Jesus died for the sins of all mankind in general, He also died for the sins of each individual personally. Verse thirty-four adds, And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? At the ninth hour, or three p.m., Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.” This was the interpretation of "Eloi, Eloi, lama sebachtani." During those three hours of taking the sins of the world on Himself, I believe that Jesus was temporarily separated from the Heavenly Father. I do not profess to be smart enough to explain how this could happen, but I accept by faith that it did. God and sin cannot coexist, so when Jesus had the sins of the world on Him, he had to be separated from the Heavenly Father, at least in His humanity that He had taken on. Verse thirty-five continues, And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias. Verse thirty-six concludes, And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. The people misunderstood what Jesus was saying, thinking He was calling on Elijah to save Him, though it was really very clear what He had said. People still misinterpret the Bible today in order to discredit it, or in some cases to justify their actions. Some people ran and got a sponge full of vinegar to give Him, but others said just leave Him alone and see if Elijah would save Him. Though the people there said to wait and see if Elijah would save Jesus, Elijah never had that power. Jesus could have saved Himself if He so desired, but He would have doomed mankind. Verse thirty-seven declares, And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. Instead, He cried out in a loud voice, "It is finished", as we see in John 19:30, and gave up the Ghost, or physically died. He had accomplished what He came to do, which was to willingly die for the sins of mankind so that they might be acceptable by the Heavenly Father if they put their faith Him. The soldiers nor the crowd took Jesus's life, though they and all of humanity were responsible for the necessity of His death. Verse thirty-eight adds, And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. The veil of the Temple was torn in half, from the top to the bottom. Mankind could not remove the veil that separated people from God, but God did. Since Jesus's death on the cross, nothing separates us from God except failing to accept Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior and Lord.
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