Sunday, September 29, 2024

2 Chronicles 26:9

2 Chronicles 26:9 says, Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning of the wall, and fortified them.  Uzziah then built towers in Jerusalem at three points and fortified them.  We need spiritual watchtowers today and we need them to be fortified by the Holy Spirit.  As Christians, we are always going to be under attack by Satan and his forces and we need to be prepared to see them coming and fight against them by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Verse ten adds, Also he built towers in the desert, and digged many wells: for he had much cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains: husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he loved husbandry.  Uzziah also built watchtowers in the desert and dug wells so he could protect and water his many cattle and protect and provide for those who cared for them.  We as followers of Christ need to not only be concerned about the times we gather together to worship God, but also about the times we are out in the world doing God's work.  We will never be cut off from the Living Water nor away from the protection of the Holy Spirit.  Verse eleven continues, Moreover Uzziah had an host of fighting men, that went out to war by bands, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king's captains.  Uzziah had a host, or army, that went to war by bands and under the direction of the religious leaders.  We today need to do all that we do under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and I will still say that our main objective is not to make war against the world, but to reach out to them with the gospel.  Verse twelve says, The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand and six hundred.  Verse thirteen adds, And under their hand was an army, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy.  These two verses tell us the number of men who were men of valor and ready to fight for God and His purpose in life.  They weren't just ready to fight for what they had materially, but for God and His purpose.  We are not to be at war with the world as Christians for our own material gain, but for the advancement of God's kingdom and the obedience of His commandments under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Verse fourteen continues, And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields, and spears, and helmets, and habergeons, and bows, and slings to cast stones.  These men were armed for war, and we as followers of Christ are armed with the armor of God spiritually to fight against the enemies of God today.  Verse fifteen concludes, And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.  We are not told what these engines were that were invented by cunning men, but they were made to help defend Jerusalem.  Whatever they were, they were to be used in defending Jerusalem, and Uzziah's name was spread abroad because he was marvelously helped, I believe by God, and he was strong.  We have all the weapons we need to defeat our spiritual enemies today as long as we are led by the Holy Spirit, because no matter what happens in this life, God has already won the victory, and we are not to fight the battle for our own glory but for God's glory.

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