Monday, July 29, 2024

1 Chronicles Review Continued

David was appointed king of Israel by God, even while Saul was still alive.  This was because Saul, who had been chosen by the people because of his physical traits, had not been obedient to God.  We should never choose religious leaders simply because they look good.  We need to make sure that God is the One Who is calling them. 

After David was anointed king, because of his obedience to God, he became stronger and stronger in the world, but he still called on the mighty men of Israel to serve under him.  We are never alone in our service to God and should always be willing to call on other Christians for help when we need it. 

We are told of the time that David wished from water from a particular well, and about three men breaking through the Philistines to get it for him, and then David refusing to drink it because they had risked their lives to fulfill what was really a vanity desire of his.  We should never want the things of the world so badly that we aren't satisfied with what God provides for us and we certainly shouldn't expect others to endanger themselves, physically or spiritually, to get it for us. 

David called for the return of all the people of Israel to the land of Israel. We need to call on God's people to always be ready to gather together to worship Him and to do His work.

We are told of David's first attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem.  The people were to gather together and as a united group they were to go and bring the Ark from Kirath Jarim. They didn't transport it in accordance with God's directions though, and Uzza was killed for touching the Ark, which was forbidden.  David then became angry with God and didn't continue to bring the Ark home.  We cannot profess to do things for God if we go against His commandments in doing them.  As followers of Christ, we should never get angry with God if He does not accept things that we say we are doing for Him that are not done in accordance with His will.

David began to grow more powerful, but then he went against God's commandments and married several women, and his desire for one would lead him to an even greater sin, though we aren't told about that here.  We should not be surprised if we allow even a small sin to rule us that we are not soon drawn into even greater sins. 

David had many sons, and some of them would cause him problems.  All we can do is teach our children about God, and then pray that they will listen and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.

The second time David decided to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, he sought God's guidance and was successful in doing so.  If we are trying to do something good for God, even if we have failed before, if we seek His approval and guidance, we should be successful the second time.  The people rejoiced in the Lord after this, singing and praising God, and we need to rejoice in God today if He leads us to a victory in the world.

We know that as David was sitting in his house that he realized that God had no house dedicated to him, and he desired to build one.  Still, God had not asked for a house, and David was not allowed to build on because he was a man of war.  If we want to do something great for God, we need to ensure that it is something God wants before we even start.

We see where David decided to number the people of Israel out of pride, and God was not pleased.  God began to destroy the people of Israel because of this.  If we are doing things in the name of God but for our own self-pride today, God is not going to be pleased with us, and he may destroy our works.  

David continued to defeat the enemies of Israel by the power of God.  We should never overlook the fact that if we are successful in life as Christians it is by the power of God and by being obedient to Him.  

David tried to show kindness to the son of Nahash after he died, but his kind deed was rejected, and David's messengers were mistreated.  God tries to show kindness to everyone by their who puts their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, but too often, people reject and even try to abuse His Son.  Nahash's son and those who advised him paid for their actions, and so will anyone who rejects Jesus Christ today.

I also find it interesting that when God was going to destroy Jerusalem because of David's disobedience in numbering the people at Satan's temptation, he didn't send a legion of angels, but He sent one angel.  Many people of Israel had already been destroyed by the one angel.  I believe we downplay the power of angels today.  

Though he wasn't going to be allowed to build the temple, David nad been told by God that his son would build it so he continued to gather the things necessary to build it, and after Solomon took his place as king, Solomon built the temple.  If we want to do something for God and know it is something He wants but are forbidden to do it, we need to prepare for the one that God calls to do it.
Next, we will look at 2 Chronicles. 

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