Monday, August 28, 2023

1 Samuel review concluded

We are told of Saul killing Abimelech and the priests who had innocently aided David after David lied to him.  Sometimes,  David’s actions were not guided by God's word and this brought consequences to others if not to himself.  We need to always be honest in our dealings with others as Christians.  Then, we have the account of David rescuing Keilah and God telling him that they would betray him to Saul.  Those that we help today in their times of distress, even our fellow Christians, may at times betray us.  We are told of Samuel's death.  Those who serve God will always die one day.  Then later on, we are told of Abigail keeping David from sinning by preventing him from killing Nahal her husband.  David was prepared to act out of anger instead of seeking God's guidance at this time, and we may at times act more out of anger than we do out of the love of God.  If we start to, we need to pray that we have someone who will stop us.  Then, we have the marriage of Abigail and David after her husband's death and David’s marriage to another at the same time.  We do know that God never endorsed marriage to more than on person at a time, and even this was supposed to last a lifetime.  Then, David was given the city of Ziklag by Achish of Gath, a Philistine.  David was hiding out among the enemies of God, and I don't believe that we should ever do this.  I don't believe David was really living by faith at this time, but was relying on his own instincts and we should also never do this.  We also are told off David's willingness to fight for the Philistines against Israel, and we certainly should never fight with the enemies of God against God's people.  Then, we have the account of David’s rescuing those taken captive,  including his two wives, and establishing the rule of shared spoils. If we fail to protect our home and family spiritually, we place them in danger of being taken captive by the forces of evil in the world.  Also, I believe that if we have gained riches in our fight against evil in the world that we should not hoard them but should share with those who are less capable of fighting.  Finally, we have the death of Saul and his sons, which included Jonathan, who had done nothing but help David.  If we engage in sinful actions, it may harm our family as well.  This was the end of the first king of Israel and three of his sons who could have claimed the throne.   Next,we will look at 2 Samuel. 

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