Thursday, February 15, 2018

We will now review some of the things that we learned from Paul's letter to the church, that group of believers, at Ephesus.  The first thing is that Paul was writing to those who had accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. His letter would have no real meaning to any who was not a follower of Christ.  Paul tells us that salvation through Christ was not some secondary salvation plan, but that from the beginning God knew that it would be the only way for people to be redeemed.  Like the Christians in Ephesus, we can be restored to God only through faith in Christ.  Paul told them that they were the adopted children of God.  The Christians at Ephesus, and anyone before or since, can only be adopted into God's family because of His action.  We can never earn nor force our way into God's family.  We will never be adopted because of our own worthiness, but can only be adopted by admitting our own unworthiness and accepting salvation, or adoption, by faith in Christ.  Paul stated that everyone, whether Jew or Gentile, had the same access to salvation through Christ.  The Jewish people were in no way superior to the Gentiles based on the fact of their physical birth.  Christ died for all people equally.  We today are in no way superior to other Christians based on where we were born nor what family we were born into.  All remain equal in Christ.  Paul called for unity in the church.  Since all had been saved by Christ's victory over death, then His followers were to be united by their faith in Him.  This always was and always will be true.  God gives us different gifts, but all are to be used for the spreading of the gospel and the edification of the church.  We are to grow and be rooted in our faith, and not be drawn away by any teachings of any person who would change the gospel.  Paul taught that husbands and wives were to be committed to each other as they are to Christ.  When both are following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, then there will be unity in purpose and the good of the other partner will always come first.  Paul told those at Ephesus and tells us today that we should put on the armor of God when we encounter opposition.  God will protect us, head to toe, in our everlasting, spiritual nature.  Since this is true, we can live without worry even in the evil world in which we live.

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